Congregation Care Ministry

"So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10

The mission of Congregational Care is to provide a connection to the love and care of the church for members who are homebound, hospitalized or institutionalized.


Our Congregational Care Ministry is made of many different care teams. Each team has its own mission and purpose as stated below. If you feel called into one of these ministries or are in need of their assistance, please contact the person named below or our Congregational Care Coordinator, Carolyn Henry.

Friends by Faith

This ministry's purpose is to ensure that all members who, for whatever reason, are confined to home or other facility, receive a call or a friendly visit to remind them they are valued members of St. John's Methodist Church.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

This ministry symbolizes God's love and healing presence. This ministry includes individuals who enjoy crocheting and knitting shawls and afghans. These items are made to be given to members of the church who find warmth and comfort through these gifts.  To request a shawl, contact Nancy or Dorothy.

Bereavement Ministry

Linda Lindell
Bereavement Coordinator
This ministry cares for the families who have lost a loved one during this time to ease their loss. Contact Linda for more information.

Stephen Ministry

Judy Conner & Dayne Carlson
Stephen Ministers
This ministry is a program for our congregation that equips lay persons to provide distinctively Christian one-on-one care to those who are experiencing difficult life circumstances, both in the congregation and the community.

Stephen MInistry is a confidential ministry, so all aspects of the caring relationship remain private. Contact Judy or Dayne for more information. You may also visit the Stephen Ministry website for more information.