11:00 AM Online Worship Service

Mar 10, 2024    Rev. Mary Powell

The sin of envy is synonymous with the word jealousy. To envy your neighbor is to want whatever they have for your own. Their car, their spouse, their job, their money, their whatever. But envy goes even beyond that, envy covets those things so much that the person is consumed with the belief that even if they could not possess it, no one should. It is easy for us who are not very rich to look at the billionaires of the world and say, "No one should have that kind of wealth. They should give most of it away." Unfortunately, when we are so jealous and envious of our neighbors, we forget what blessings God has given to us to share with those around us. It is a piece of wisdom that we find at all gift giving time (Christmas, birthday, etc.) the ability to give a gift usually exceeds the joy of receiving a gift. Charity then, is how we truly know that we are blessed beyond measure.