11:00 AM Online Worship Service

Mar 3, 2024    Rev. Dr. Roger Clayton

We all fall into ruts. We take the paths of least resistance. Most times we do it not because we are lazy, but because it's just easier to take that path and we are tired. Unfortunately, being a Christian is anything but easy. God calls us to step out of our comfort zones and work our fingers to the bone for His Kingdom. Sloth is the sin that creeps in when we think that we can just do the bare minimum. Sloth is the sin that creeps in when we think that we can just do the bare minimum. Sloth makes us all into the "Checklist Christians" who go to church on Sunday because it's expected and not do anything else the rest of the week until the next obligatory meeting comes along. We see this in our faith too. We say the right words, we read the Scriptures, and we pray...but we have no works to go along with it. Actions will always speak louder than words. What are your actions saying?