February 02 Martha's Musings

Our youngest dog is a rescue named Savannah. She is completely black, half dachshund and half rat terrier, is 3 ½ years old, and has an amazing personality. She follows us around the house – quite literally. She will always be behind us, never in front of us. If it looks like she might get ahead of us, she will stop, allow us to catch up, then get behind us. She has recently developed another cute behavior. When I am cooking dinner in the kitchen, moving back and forth in front of the stove/oven as I prepare food, she will sit on the pad in front of the stove. I must then step around her to reach the stove. She does not get off the mat, but she does turn to follow me. If I walk around to the left side, she turns to the left. If I then walk around her to the right side, so turns right also. Is she learning how to cook? Does she want to be a sous chef? Doubtful. We think she is hoping that I will drop some morsel of food - she is not picky about exactly what – and she wants to be in position to catch it. Have you ever done something similar? I don’t mean catching dropped food – although I do follow the five second rule – I mean positioning yourself in a good position to get something you want. Are you new in town and want to meet new people? You might consider joining a church – St. John’s is a great option – or volunteering at one of many local facilities. Would you like to learn more about your new community? Take a peek on the city website or peruse the Williamson County Sun, and you will find inspiration and opportunities galore. Feel that possibly your faith needs a tune-up? I think most of us have faced that issue at some point in time. Put yourself in a position to achieve success
and associate yourself with a faith ministry that feeds your soul. Reacquaint yourself with the words in Scripture, and spend some quiet, quality time with God. Just like Savannah, you will be fed with what you pick up.

Martha Arizpe, St. John’s Prayer Team
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