February 9th, 2025
by Martha Arizpe
by Martha Arizpe
I did something really fun this week. I had lunch with an old friend at Laurie’s on the Square. This lady is someone I met after we moved to Georgetown, and we met while volunteering at Handcrafts Unlimited. She is a very talented seamstress, and also a retired RN, like me. She is a few years older than me but much wiser. I learn something from her every time we are together, which is not often enough, since we no longer volunteer at the same time. Hence our meeting for lunch. We did not solve the problems of the world, but I did gather insight into a few of my own. My friend also has the innate ability to put one at ease – she could give classes on how to de-escalate any situation. She is very soft-spoken, a trait I could surely use. When my mother taught school, she often would tell me that she lowered her voice intentionally, so the children had to be quiet to hear what she was saying. When I teach Sunday School, I must resort to ringing a bell! Clearly, I need another method. And silly me – my Heavenly Father put two strong women in my life, one as a child and another now as an adult – to show me the proper way to get the attention of a class, and somehow, I managed not to take note until the seventh decade of my life! Thank goodness my God is patient. Better late than never!
Martha Arizpe, St. John’s Prayer Team
Martha Arizpe, St. John’s Prayer Team
Posted in Prayer
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